In Case You Missed It

Ralph Tenthani Series on Freedom of Expression
May 20, 2019, Hazviperi Mbizi / Chapter Banda
Ralph Tenthani Series on Freedom of Expression

Featured Biography

Gertrude Sitolo
Dr Gertrude Sitolo - Director of Student Affairs

Call for Applications for Short-Term Courses March, 2025 Intake

Academic   Business Incubation Centre   January 29, 2025

The Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), through the Business Incubation Centre, is informing the general public that it will be offering the following courses for the March 2025 intake for a duration of 3 months:


  1. Food Processing at MK200,000.00
  2. Tailoring and designing at MK200,000.00
  3. Detergent Making at MK200,000.00
  4. Wood work at MK250,000.00
  5. Metal work at MK250,000.00
  6. Audio-Visual Media Production at MK200,000.00
  7. Briquettes Making at MK250,000.00
  8. Electrical Installation and Maintenance at MK250,000.00
  9. Business Foundations at MK200,000.00



Minimum entry qualification is PSLCE.

Candidates must be 18 years and above.



All courses are offered during weekdays only on a Non-Residential basis.

A once-off non-refundable application fee of K10,000.00 must be paid and proof of payment attached on application form.

At least half of tuition fees must be deposited at enrollment before the program starts with all fees fully paid by the end of first month.

The Incubation Centre does not accept cash transactions. All fees should be deposited into the following National Bank Current Account:

MUBAS Business Incubation Centre,

Account No: 1005479068,

Chichiri Branch.


Application forms can be obtained from MUBAS Main Campus Reception and MUBAS Incubation Centre at Trade Fair Grounds. Alternatively, the form can be downloaded below.

Completed forms together with copy of application fees deposit and PSLCE should be sent to the Business Incubation Centre Manager via the following routes;

An envelope clearly marked ATTENTION BUSINESS INCUBATION CENTRE MANAGER should be hand-delivered either at MUBAS Main Campus Reception or MUBAS Incubation Centre at Trade Fair Grounds or Via post or courier to Business Incubation Centre Manager, MUBAS, Private Bag 303, Chichiri, Blantyre 3.

Email the Incubation Centre Manager at with the subject “APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS INCUBATION SHORT COURSE”.


Deadline for receiving applications is 24th February, 2025 and Orientation is scheduled on 3rd March, 2025.


For more information, contact: Mrs. Chisomo Thaulo-Mbaya: 0995255355 



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