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Encouraging female students pursue science programmes

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Chikondi Jenala
Mr Chikondi Jenala - Finance and Investment

PhD Defence- Legitimacy Maintenance of Data Quality Management Practices in Health Management Information Systems: Case of Malawi

Event   January 24, 2025
School of Science and Technology
ODeL Auditorium
January 31, 2025 - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm    [ Past Event ]

Author: Martin Bright MSENDEMA

Virtual Link: or scan the QR Code


The research focuses on data quality in Health Information Systems. It takes a social perspective to explore rarely researched boundaries of legitimacy maintenance in routine health data management. The position is that as legitimacy objects, data quality management practices, from recording, reporting to data use, risk losing legitimacy among legitimacy providers when exposed to institutional changes contributing to persistent poor data quality. In this study, the argument is that as new technologies and innovations emerge in Health Information System, they need to find a strong foundation from existing systems. Legitimacy maintenance is one of the mechanisms which provide continuation strategies. The study has hence provided a comprehensive explanation of the legitimation process and conceptualised legitimacy maintenance framework in Health Information Systems domain. 


From this study, Martin has authored three publications in prestigious journals. 

1. Msendema, M. B. (2020). Interfacing Research and Policy in Informing Data Management for Quality Data in Health Information Systems: Case of DHIS2 in Malawi. Journal of Health Informatics in Africa.

2. Msendema, M. B., Chigona, W., Kumwenda, B., Kaasbøll, J. and Kanjo, C. (2023).  Legitimization of data quality management practices in Health Management Information Systems: A soft systems methodology perspective. Electron Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries

3. Msendema, M. B., Kaasbøll, J., Chigona, W. and Kumwenda, B. (Under Review).  Legitimacy Maintenance for Data Quality Management Practices: Case of Health Management Information Systems. Electron Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries.